CIHT response to RIS3 Consultation: Shaping the future of England's strategic roads

14th Jul 2023

In the 2023 consultation on England's Strategic Road Network, CIHT advises National Highways and the Department for Transport to ensure the internal financial and management capacity to deliver the expected levels of activity and to consistently apply the PAS 2080 hierarchy.

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Key messages from CIHT 

  • CIHT welcomes the continuous commitment to a multi-year funding settlement for the Strategic Road Network but asks National Highways to ensure it will have the internal financial and management capacity to deliver the expected levels of activity.


  • CIHT supports National Highways emphasis for the RIS3 period on making the most out of the existing network through maintenance and renewals and a focus on smaller, targeted local schemes.


  • CIHT encourages National Highways to consistently apply the PAS 2080 hierarchy to all decision-making processes for all schemes already committed to or under evaluation, to ensure that low carbon solutions to enhance capacity are prioritised.




The Strategic Road Network and its investment 

With its 4,500 miles, the Strategic Road Network (SRN) spans throughout England and forms part of the country’s critical national infrastructure. The investment in the SRN is carried out through a 5-year plan, the Road Investment Strategy (RIS), approved by the Department for Transport (DfT) and managed by National Highways (NH). So far, two RISs have been implemented, covering the period 2015-2020 and 2020-2025.

As we are moving towards the end of the second investment period DfT and NH have been working on preparing the next investment strategy by reflecting on the lessons learnt so far, while navigating the changing and challenging financial and policy landscape.

Recently, NH has published its Strategic Road network Initial Report, where it outlines the proposed approach and priorities for RIS3. DfT is now consulting on the Initial Report and gathering feedback to inform the final RIS3 Business Plan and the Delivery Plan.




What is National Highways' proposed approach for RIS3? 

The SRN is a critical asset for England, supporting the daily activities of millions of people and businesses, from commuting to moving goods.

To continue providing these vital services, NH has focused on 5 targeted priorities:

  • Improving safety for all by reducing risks on roads rated 1-star and 2-star by the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP); by influencing user behaviour and by achieving a Zero Harm Vision.


  • Making the most of the existing network by increasing maintenance, making technology more resilient and investing in renewals to increase connectivity and reliability


  • Evolve the customer and community services by improving data and information sharing, supporting end to end journeys for all modes and supporting the integration of the SRN with local roads


  • Taking a target approach to enhancing the network by focusing on smaller local schemes, meeting the network needs by completing schemes committed during RIS1 and RIS2 and following the principles of PAS 2080


  • Drive decarbonisation and environmental sustainability by achieving net zero corporate emissions, reduce maintenance and construction emissions by 40% and 50%, facilitating low carbon travels and focusing on biodiversity and climate resilience.


DfT and NH are looking to address these priorities and challenges by taking a sustainable approach to the future road investments, complying with the Climate Change Act 2008, that legally requires the UK to achieve net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050.




CIHT's response

In response to DfT’s  consultation (now closed) on the Strategic Road Initial Report, CIHT has highlighted three main points for NH and DfT to take into consideration for the next steps on deciding the Business Plan and Delivery Programme of the next investment period:

1- We welcome the continued commitment to multi-year funding settlements to deliver a long-term Roads Investment Strategy (RIS). It is however important that National Highways (NH) has the internal process and financial headroom to ensure that this translates into the expected volumes of activity on the ground. This has not always been the case with RIS 1 and RIS 2 and continued significant shortfalls of work in its delivery frameworks will over time reduce supply chain confidence and investment, which will undermine the key benefits of establishing the RIS. We would like to see more evidence that lessons from RIS 1 and RIS2 have been learnt and incorporated into decision making process.


2- We support the commitment in the Strategic Road Network Initial report to prioritise making the most of the existing network and to take a targeted approach to any enhancements. NH’s recognition of the need to prioritize renewal and maintenance of an ageing infrastructure is particularly welcome as is the commitment to align decision making with the PAS 2080 standard for carbon management in buildings and infrastructure.


3- CIHT acknowledges the commitment to complete network enhancement schemes carried forward from RIS 1 and RIS 2. We are however concerned that this commitment may impair NH’s ability to deliver the other priorities identified in the initial report, which with the passing of time have become more pressing. The changing financial and policy landscape make now a good time to review and update the deliverability of major schemes carried over from RIS 1 and RIS 2 to ensure they reflect a credible pathway to transport decarbonisation, aligned with the PAS 2080 hierarchy, as stated in the Strategic Road Network Initial Report:


Build Nothing- Operate our network for our customers and the environment:

Only intervene where necessary. Building where there is a strong case to do so. Working with partners to support solutions that provide additional capacity without additional road space, including digital roads.

Build Less- Maximise the benefits of our network whilst minimising construction:

Design interventions that minimise the replacement of assets, reuse existing components and/or require minimal additional materials. Maximise the use of existing assets (e.g small changes to junctions/alignment that use the existing network) and use of digital technologies.

Build Clever- Use low carbon solutions to reduce emissions when we build:

Innovating to develop new low carbon solutions to trial on the network and update to standards. Incentivising and working with the supply chain to implement low carbon solutions on our network.

Build Efficiently - Use new methods to reduce construction emissions:

Use modern methods of construction to minimise waste and site works. Use digital solutions to reduce site visits and redesign. Design and construct right the first time, considering asset longevity and whole life carbon to reduce emissions and improve service for customers.”


Moreover, in line with the recommendation from the Climate Change Committee’s recent annual report to parliament,  we encourage NH to consider the possibility of reviewing the major enhancement schemes to ensure they are consistent with a credible pathway to transport decarbonisation.

We suggest that any strategic review should take a more holistic approach. The question set for road decision makers identified in the recent paper by the Roads Investment Scrutiny Panel, chaired by CIHT Vice President Professor Glenn Lyons would be a useful place to start setting the terms of reference for this review.

Read the full response here.


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 Further information  

What are CIHT members' priorities for the Road Investment Strategy 3?

CIHT's Transport Decarbonisation Pathway 

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